
Våra kunder berättar om deras resa från husdröm till färdigt hus med Husverket.

Husverket Web 003 1
Tullinge, Botkyrka
Ayele Nigatu

Projektledaren Sahand har kämpat mycket bra för att jag som kund ska få tillräcklig information och förstod steg för steg från ritningen…

Heby, Uppsala län
Gunilla Lindström

Sahand and Ahmed did a very good job with the house delivery and were very nice. They constantly informed what was going to…

Heby, Uppsala län
Gunilla Lindström

Sahand and Ahmed did a very good job with the house delivery and were very nice. They constantly informed what was going to…

Heby, Uppsala län
Gunilla Lindström

Sahand and Ahmed did a very good job with the house delivery and were very nice. They constantly informed what was going to…

Husverket Web 003 1
Heby, Uppsala län
Gunilla Lindström

Sahand och Ahmed gjorde ett mycket bra jobb med leveransen av huset och var mycket trevliga. De höll oss ständigt informerade om vad…

Husverket Web 003
Forsbacka, Gävle
Lars-Inge Core Sundin

En mycket bra process för att hitta det rätta huset, de rätta materialen, tjänsterna och leveransen.

Effektivt val av alternativ och…

Husverket Web 003
Forsbacka, Gävle
Lars-Inge Core Sundin

Very good process to find the right house, the right materials, services and delivery.

Efficiently choose options and deatils for my…

Husverket Web 003
Forsbacka, Gävle
Lars-Inge Core Sundin

Very good process to find the right house, the right materials, services and delivery.

Efficiently choose options and deatils for my…

Husverket Web 003
Forsbacka, Gävle
Lars-Inge Core Sundin

Very good process to find the right house, the right materials, services and delivery.

Efficiently choose options and deatils for my…

Rådmansö, Norrtälje
Carolina Persson

Thanks to Husverket, we are super satisfied with the result from the carpenter Ahmed and your quick handling process with our municipality….

Rådmansö, Norrtälje
Carolina Persson

Thanks to Husverket, we are super satisfied with the result from the carpenter Ahmed and your quick handling process with our municipality….

Husverket Web 003 1
Rådmansö, Norrtälje
Carolina Persson

Tack vare Husverket är vi mycket nöjda med resultatet från snickaren Ahmed och er snabba hanteringsprocess med vår kommun. 😊

Rådmansö, Norrtälje
Carolina Persson

Thanks to Husverket, we are super satisfied with the result from the carpenter Ahmed and your quick handling process with our municipality….

Husverket Web 003
Beddingestrand, Trelleborg
Helena Masson

Fantastically knowledgeable and talented craftsman! How the house office has managed the business in general leaves a lot to be desired, but…

Husverket Web 003
Beddingestrand, Trelleborg
Helena Masson

Fantastically knowledgeable and talented craftsman! How the house office has managed the business in general leaves a lot to be desired, but…

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